Monday, May 31, 2010

Where Do We Begin To Get Clean Again?

CONFESSION: I miss drinking. I know it sounds totally sad and pathetic... it's only been just shy of two full weeks since my last drink and it hasn't even really been that hard to keep away from. I've gone out with my friends countless times in the last two weeks and haven't even considered a drink. Nevertheless, I miss drinking. More than just drinking... I miss wine. I also miss being asked if I want another glass and replying, "Wine Not?" haha!

There's something about wine that invokes a certain mood or sentiment. I can be having the worst day... and a nice glass of red wine just warms me up and washes away any negative emotions from the day. I know this makes me sound like a total alcoholic... but I don't care. I, Matthew David Munn, love wine. I love it a lot in fact. A glass, or a bottle, or a few bottles of wine whether it be with friends (or alone) can change your entire night (or day for some of you!)

Sometimes, I'll have a glass before bed, if I'm feeling really saucy... just to spice it up. Occasionally, that glass turns into a bottle and I'm completely sloshed laughing at my closet, but most of the time it's just a glass.

There's something in the complexity of wines that intrigues me, the differences in region/grape and subtle undertones that you just don't get from beer or spirits. Now before you beer lovers and vodka chuggers jump down my throat. I know there are different flavor qualities in beers and spirits, but speaking personally, I have yet to find a beer or spirit that matches the complex flavor profiles of an amazing glass of wine.

Unfortunately for me (and BC vineyards...) I've got at least two more weeks in my dry spell before I uncork a whole new chapter of "wine not" experiences...

Colbie Caillat - Midnight Bottle


  1. Isn't that funny. I love wine... LOVE IT. Have been drinking since I was a little one thanks to the slack Australian approach to children sipping (gulping) drinks at the family BBQ's...
    But I haven't missed it at all.
    Now ditching the smokes... THAT I am having a hard time with, But no drinking - Not at all. Weird huh?

  2. Nah, not that weird. I'd say smoking is way harder to kick... it's a lot more addicting. While booze is super tasty and delicious... it doesnt have as much addictive quality (at least for me... and you)
